Men's Ministries

Welcome to Men's Ministries

       After the Fall, relationships became entangled in self-centered power struggles and harmful dysfunctions, contributing to the rise of unhealthy and broken family systems. When families are spiritually and emotionally unwell, every member suffers, increasing the likelihood of mental health challenges within the household.

      Many men today struggle with misconceptions about their roles as sons, husbands, fathers, friends, and disciples of Christ—especially if they lacked emotionally and spiritually healthy, Christ-centered fathers or other positive male role models.

      Furthermore, an unprecedented cultural attack on God’s design for gender has led to Christianity being wrongly associated with toxic masculinity. However, we believe this misunderstanding provides Christian men with a unique opportunity to reveal the beauty of God’s original design—one of self-sacrificing, service-driven manhood that firmly rejects the toxic behaviors of aggression, violence, and disrespect toward women and children.

      By looking to Christ as the ultimate example, men can embrace a healthier, Christ-reflecting masculinity defined by self-awareness, vulnerability, respect, non-violence, accountability, emotional expression, fairness, and servant-leadership.

      When men fully commit to an authentic, transformative relationship with Jesus, they will experience His supernatural power, enabling them to break free from toxic, generational patterns of masculinity. Empowered by His grace, they will serve, love, and uplift their spouses, children, and extended spiritual family within their sphere of influence.

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Published Books

Morning Summit

Every man wants to be strong and disciplined, but many men fail to achieve the results they want because they are missing the most vital elements of success: a team and a plan.

The Morning Summit brings both. This simple small group workbook brings together a team of committed men and hands them a solid plan that will transform them in 13 weeks. ($20)


Coaching Champions

The Blueprint for Coaching Champions empowers men to become more without requiring expert knowledge or expensive certificates.

Instead, our coaches ask great questions, listen with an open heart, and believe that the man in front of them has what it takes to become a champion. ($15)



Free E-Books

How to Launch a Men’s Ministry

Download this e-book, study it, and then take the seven steps to begin building the foundation of a strong men’s ministry.
Download here


Loving In The Trenches:

This free e-book offers a concise toolkit for anyone facing challenging relationships. With seven actionable exercises and invaluable resources, it guides you through the process of loving difficult people with compassion and understanding.
Download here

Our Purpose